Here’s What Consumer Reports Thinks Of The Tesla Cybertruck

Consumer Reports is probably the closest you’ll ever get to an unbiased Cybertruck review

​Consumer Reports is probably the closest you’ll ever get to an unbiased Cybertruck review  Read More Technology

I do not like Elon Musk or the Tesla Cybertruck, and if that’s news to you, I hope you enjoy your first day on Jalopnik. I won’t pretend the Model S isn’t the most important car of the 21st century because it just is, but Musk and the Cybertruck are hot garbage. The great thing about Jalopnik, though, is that we’ve never pretended to be objective. We share our personal opinions and admit we have biases. Consumer Reports, on the other hand, works to be as unbiased as possible. So what do they think of the Cybertruck?

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